Feeling good. The new mood therapy
Date Read:May 3, 2017This book help me to understand and work out some of my mental patterns by reframing cognitive distortions. In some sense your mind’s goal on creating this distortions is to protect you from emotional danger. But as with anything in life it can go sideways, if it doesn’t get check and balances
All-or-Nothing Thinking: Your brain categorizes everything in Black or White, Good or Bad. It doesn’t realized that everything has more gradients and nothing is absolute
Over generalization: you see a single negative event as a never ending pattern
Mental Filter: you pick a single negative detail , so it blur your vision of reality
Disqualifying the positive: you reject positive experiences by insisting they “don’t count” for some reason or other, so you can maintain a negative belive that is contradicted by your everyday experiences
Jumping to conclusions: you make a negative interpretations even though there are no definitive evidence to support your conclusion. some instances of this distortion is “Mind Reading” and the “Fortune Teller Error”
Magnification(Catastrophizing) or Minimization: you exaggerate the importance of things or shrink things until they appear tiny"
Emotional reasoning You assume that your negative emotions necessarily reflect the way things really are.
Should Statements: Emotional guild by trying to motivate your self with shoulds & shouldn’ts, or anger and frustration when direct those statments to others
Labeling and mislabeling: instead of describing an error, you attach a negative label to the person: “I am a loser”, “He is stupid”
Personalization: you see your self as the cause of some negative event which in fact you were not primarily responsible for.
This book is one of those book that really ask you to put some effort and really study and practice it contents