Henry Ford: My Life And Work
Date Read:April 25, 2021Father was Farmer, Henry was more interested in using machines to do the work. Started by repairing watches, and although he liked the engineering craftsmanship required to make a great watch he had the preference to work on machines that help to make and activity more efficient.
Power and machinery, money and goods, are useful only as they set us free to live. They are but means to an end.
Principles of service
- An absence of fear of the future and of veneration for the past
- A disregard of competition. Whoever does a thing best ought to be the ne to do it.
- the putting of service before profit. Well-conducted business enterprise cannot fail to return a profit, but profit must and inevitably will come as a reward for good service.
- Manufacturing is not buying low and selling high. It is the process of buying materials fairly and, with the smallest possible addition of cost, transforming those materials into a consumable product and giving it to the consumer.
Always focus on reduce the waste (via negativa)
No titles, his management style was focused on allowing people to take responsability, be creative , if that is the person interests otherwise he just accepted that some people likes to get orders and thats ok. good wadges are important