Stories of Your Life and Others
Date Read:June 21, 2020The book is a collection of short science fiction stories, each more mind blowing than the other.
Tower Of Babylon describes the construction of the tower from the point of view of a miner, in the right moment of reaching heaven
Division by Zero
Story of your life The movie arrival was based in this story. Languages shape how you think, would you think similar to aliens if you could learn their Language?
Seventy-Two Letters
The Evolution of Human Science what if some part of humans started to go beyond our limits and produce science that no other humans can understand, this ones will try to keep up with the progress trying to decode or “popularize” the papers produced by the super intelligent humans
Hell is the absence of God Visits from angels are “common” , people create support visits after its effects because Angels always bring miracles for some and calamities for other witness. People that go to Hell sometimes appear in normal life, and they live as normal as when their were alive
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