Confessions of a Public Speaker by Scott Berkun

December 20, 2009

My takeaways

  • Confessions of a public speaker book

  • 6 reason of sucking at public speaking and how to fix it

    1. Your are afraid of the crowd.Physical exercise that day

    2. This is your first time. You’ve practiced till it’s good

    3. You are a turtle on drugs. There is a rhythm I can follow

      • Rhythm is important ( not so fast, not so slow )
      • most people attention span is between 5 to 10 min, your talk should be sorted in segments of 5-10 mins.
    4. You make everything boring

      • any thing can be boring
      • Think that you have a path that you are leading the people
      • Two Ways:
          1. Make it interesting to you.
          1. Make it Interesting for them.
    5. Obfuscation of rhetoric.

      • smart people disease.
      • Don’t win arguments by TKO(Increase the syllables on the words)
        • It takes effort to make points clear and concise
        • make sure your points are clear.
    6. Confused or evil slides

      • Error “7 by 7” seven bullets with 7 word sentences.
      • your slides serve what you are saying.
  • Q&A

    1. Top stupid mistakes of the author
      • not practice"
    2. How do you practice
      • bullets first, and talk alone later make the slides.

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