Linda Rising Interview

June 22, 2016

I read the book fearless change almost 8 years ago and since then I have been a big follower of Linda Rising teachings. Because one of my new-year resolutions was to meet at least one of my heros, I asked Carlos (from dojo live) to help me talk to Linda Rising, I was not hoping he could get her as a guess in dojo live,.. ohh I was very very wrong.

So today was the day I was looking forward all this first months of the year, I talked to the great Linda Rising.

show notes

  • [02:40] - on being lucky for being active at older ages and giving things a way like agile mindset presentations
  • [04:30] - on discovering carol dweck work (Growth Mindset )
  • [08:00] - fixed mindset
  • [09:00] - agile mindset is about learning, improving, growing
  • [10:12] - on why there not being enough women in stem. Carol Dweck research
  • [14:50] - countries also have a mindset, What is mexico mindset?
  • [18:12] - Linda made an observation about labeling me, and why is it not good to label people.
  • [21:30] - On perfection.
  • [29:20] - Babies born with agile mindset, but we forgot when growth.
  • [31:05] - Linda’s biggest failure: Forgetting that we are always a work in progress
  • [37:50] - how the future is going to be like: I have no clue
  • [40:26] - recommends the book Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction by Philip E. Tetlock
  • [42:50] - What message would she put in a billboard

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