Microservices by Martin Flowler

October 19, 2019

My takeaways:

  • There is no real definition, Its something that from the begining is ill defined

  • Martin can identify 9 characteristics

    1. Componentization via services
    2. Thinking about parts not as builders, but as users changing parts of stereo components
    3. Organized Around Business capabilities
    4. Smart endpoints and dump pipes.
    5. There is no room for complex middleware (ESB)
    6. Decentralized governance
    7. Decentraliced Data Managment
    8. Infraestructure automation
    9. Design for failure
  • Are microservices just SOA? microservices is just a subset of SOA, but how bit should be to be called microservices

  • With every new idea people tend to overused

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